#1 Idei de cadouri: Prietena cea mai buna
Daca si pe tine te incurca putin febra cumparaturilor de cadouri de Craciun, m-am gandit ca un ghid ar fi tare util. Urmeaza o intreaga serie cu idei de cadouri pentru prieteni, iubiti si parinti, ca sa ajunga cate ceva la toata lumea, asa ca stati pe receptie!
EN: If you are also a bit aggravated by the Christmas shopping rush, I thought a guide would be very useful. An entire series about ideas for gifts to give to friends, lovers and parents is about to come, so that everyone gets something, so stay tuned!
M-am gandit sa incepem cu prietenele- o sa spuneti ca e usor sa ii cumperi ceva celei mai bune prietene, insa daca va cunoasteti de mult timp si esti la al 15-lea cadou de Craciun pe care i-l cumperi, uneori ai impresia ca parca nu mai ai ce sa ii iei, nu mai ai cu ce sa o surprinzi. Am listat mai jos ce as cumpara eu prietenelor mele si sunt convinsa ca s-ar bucura!
1.Acest set de farfurii de portelan, atent pictate, sunt un cadou minunat! Sunt ideale pentru a tine biscuitii si prajiturelele de Craciun si o sa arate excelent pe o masa festiva.
2. Ai o prietena superstitioasa? De ce sa nu ii iei un
set de 12 prajituri cu ravas pentru ca sa stie cum ii va merge in fiecare luna a anului? E un cadou amuzant care o sa o bucure! https://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-daily-meal/5-things-you-never-knew-a_b_5381573.html
3. Sprancenele au devenit mai cool decat orice accesoriu- de 2-3 ani auzim in continuu despre produse de machiaj pentru ele, despre forme noi si interesante care sa iti sublinieze frumusetea naturala. Daca prietena ta este innebunita dupa make-up si tehnici de infrumusetare, ii poti face cadou
o sedinta la unul dintre celebrele saloane care ii vor reinventa sprancenele, Anastasia Beverly Hills.
4. Pentru prietena ta vegetariana careia ii place sa gateasca,
o carte cu retete pe care Gwyneth Paltrow, regina sanatatii, o numeste “the best thing ever”. Cu un limbaj… condimentat si cu niste retete pe care si carnivorii le-ar devora instant, nu ai cum sa dai gres. Daca are o problema cu folosirea cuvantului “f@ck” la fiecare paragraf, o alta varianta perfecta este
5. Super purtate in acest sezon, sosetele sunt din nou pe val cu modele foarte diverse, cu texturi si matriale pufoase. Poti alege un set sau
o pereche extra pufoasa, buna de purtat intr-o seara de iarna la un film, in pat, sub patura.
6. Pentru prietena ta care iubeste vinurile bune, o optiune de
desfacator usor de folosit si esential pentru orice femeie.
7. Pentru prietena ta care iubeste cafeaua, fa-i un mic kit compus dintr-o
cafetiera franceza si un pachet de cafea buna.

8. Daca stii ca ii place sa organizeze picnicuri sau sa isi petrece mult timp in natura, la iarba verde, probabil ca
un cos de picnic o sa fie o idee excelenta. Nu il livra gol- adauga o bagheta, o sticla de vin si o branza apetisanta, ca sa fie un mic cadou delicios si gata de folosit!
9. Nu e un cadou neaparat festiv, insa o sa fie acel gen de cadou pentru care vei primi un sms peste 2 saptamani in care iti va multimi din inima pentru cel mai bun produs de par. Am o prietena care il foloseste deja si il recomanda tuturor: este
un praf de texturare care da foarte mult volum parului daca este aplicat la radacina. Tine mult timp si este cadoul ideal pentru prietenele care se spala pe cap in fiecare zi (nu radeti, am una!).
10. Daca ai o prietena care constant organizeaza mici adunari la ea acasa si este gazda perfecta, o sa se bucure daca va avea o noua sursa de distractie: un joc de societate.
Activity este un clasic care antreneaza toti musafirii si e garantat sa tina distractia mergand ca unsa toata noaptea…. Sau pana se termina gustarile!
11. O carte buna este intotdeauna apreciata. Iar 2-3 ii vor tine companie in vacanta de sarbatori,
aici poti gasi cateva recomandari.
Unsprezece idei utile care sa te ajute sa te orientezi in multimea de optiuni existente prin toate magazinele. Iar partea cea mai buna e ca inca mai ai timp sa comanzi cateva cadouri online, asa ca grabeste-te pana nu e prea tarziu, cat inca traficul este decent si oamenii nu au devenit prea irascibili! In pragul sarbatorilor toti ne agitam sa iasa totul bine, asa ca planifica din timp si o sa ai niste sarbatori perfecte!
EN: I thought we might start off with our friends- you might say it’s easy to by something for your best friend, but if you each other long enough and you’re at the 15h Christmas gift you have to buy for her, you sometimes feel like there’s nothing more you can get for her, that you can’t surprise her anymore. Below you can find what I would buy for my friends and what I’m certain they would like!
1.This set of porcelain plates, carefully painted, is a great gift! They are ideal for Christmas biscuits and cookies and they will look excellent on a festive table.
2. Do you have a friend who is superstitious? Why not get her a set of 12 fortune cookies, so that she’ll know how she’s doing for the rest of year? It’s a funny gift which will bring her joy! https://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-daily-meal/5-things-you-never-knew-a_b_5381573.html
3. Eyebrows have become cooler than any other accessory- for 2-3 years now we have been hearing constantly about make-up products for them, about new and interesting shapes which highlight your natural beauty. If your friend is crazy about make-up and beauty techniques, you can give her a session at one of the famous salons which will reinvent her eyebrows, Anastasia Beverly Hills.
4. For your vegan friend who loves to cook, a book with recipes which Gwyneth Paltrow, the queen of health, calls “the best thing ever”. With a… spicy language and some recipes which even carnivores would devour instantly, you can’t fail. If she has a problem with using the word “f@ck” in every paragraph, another perfect alternative is Plenty.
5. Highly worn this season, socks are in trend again with various models, textures and fluffy fabrics. You can choose a set or an extra fluffy pair, perfect for wearing on a winter evening, while watching a movie, under the blanket.
6. For your friend who loves good wines, a good option would be bottle opener which is easy to ease and essential for every woman.
7. For your friend who loves coffee, make her a small kit from a French coffee maker and a pack of good coffee.
8. If you know she likes to organize picnics or spend a lot of time outdoor, a picnic basket is probably an excellent idea. Don’t deliver it empty- add a baguette, a bottle of wine and some fine cheese, so that it’s a delicious gift ready to be used!
9. It’s not necessarily a festive gift, but it’s going to be that kind of gift which you will receive thank you sms 2 weeks later, thanking you for the best hair product. I have a friend who is already using it and she’s recommending it to everyone: it’s a texturing powder which gives a lot of volume to the hair if it’s applied at the roots. It lasts long and is the ideal gift for your friends who wash their hair every day (don’t laugh, I have one!).
10. If you have a friend who is constantly organizing small get together’s at her place and is the perfect, she’ll be happy to own a new source of fun: a board game. Activity is a classic which trains all guests and is guaranteed to keep the fun flowing all night… Or until the snacks are finished!
11. A good book is always appreciated. And 2-3 will keep her company during the holiday vacation, here you can find a few recommendations.
Eleven useful ideas to help you get oriented in the multitude of existing options in the stores. And the best part is that you still have time to order some gifts online, so hurry up before it’s too late, while the traffic is still decent and people are not too fussy yet! Before the holidays, we all get nervous so everything turns out well, so plan ahead and you’ll have perfect holidays!
idareyoutobefashion/ 11.12.2016
super idei
Ewa Macherowska/ 11.12.2016
Always love your posts!
Insecticide purici/ 11.12.2016
Cred ca praful de texturare il voi achizitiona pentru mine :)), iar pentru prietena mea cred ca aleg sigur un cadou din lista. Se poate si un articol despre cadouri pentru iubit?
Dana/ 12.12.2016
Urmeaza! E la “cuptor”
Ana Maria Blog/ 12.12.2016
Foarte interesante ideile. Mi-am notat si eu cateva din ele pe lista.
Cadoul tau perfect/ 22.03.2017
Foarte interesante ideile din acest articol. Very useful!
Ana/ 14.12.2017
Super articolul, chiar mi-ai dat niste idei foarte bune!
DePluta/ 01.02.2018
Pe langa ideile tale care mi-au placut foarte mult as adauga si cateva idei de cadouri realizate din pluta, cum ar fi cravata din pluta, port cardul din pluta si vasele de plante.
O zi minunata!
Corina/ 19.07.2018
Multumesc mult pentru idei, chiar m-au ajutat 😀
Juju/ 02.10.2018
Foarte util articolul! Cautam pe net idei de cadouri si am gasit articolul tau !
Prietena mea este superstitioasa si ti-am urmat sfatul …am comandat prajiturile cu ravase si nu numai ca i-a placut foarte mult cadoul, dar ne-am distrat copios!
Multumesc pentru idei 😉