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#Digitaliada, generatia 2017

#Digitaliada, generatia 2017

Va povesteam intr-o postare mai veche de pe blog despre #Digitaliada, unul dintre cele mai interesante proiecte de educatie digitala din Romania si cat de important si motivant este faptul ca ii ambitioneaza pe profesori sa isi dezvolte propriile materiale de studiu.


EN: In an older post, I told you about #Digitaliada, one of the most interesting digital education projects in Romania and about how important and motivating it is that they challenge teachers to develop their own study materials.

In fond nu e nimic care sa poata starni imaginatia mai mult decat pasiunea celui care te invata ceva, atat la scoala cat si in viata. Indiferent ca vorbesti cu pasiune despre munca ta sau despre un hobby, atat timp cat iti place ceea ce faci si te anima, conversatia va starni mereu interesul celor din jur. Pasiunea ni se vede pe fata, indiferent ca suntem contabili, informaticieni sau profesori. Iar puterea de a inspira pe cineva sta doar in masura entuziasmului nostru.

Am purtat conversatii intregi cu ingineri sau avocati sau contabili, oameni de al carui domeniu nu ma lega vreun interes anume si au reusit sa transmita mai departe bucuria si implinirea pe care le-o aduce meseria lor. Entuziasmul inspira si poate sa motiveze curiozitatea adultilor si chiar alegerea unui drum in viata in cazul copiilor.

#Digitaliada a pornit aventura de a provoca profesorii, dar si pe oricine altcineva interesat de educatie sa participe la un concurs de materiale didactice de tip open source intr-un efort care isi propune sa sustina educatia digitala. Premiile au constat in echipamente electronice și IT pentru cele mai originale materiale digitale care pot fi utilizate de profesori pentru clasele V-VIII, ca materiale de studiu suplimentare. Practic o punere in fapt a inspiratiei si a entuziasmului dintr-o conversatie, astfel incat sa capteze atentia celor mici si sa-i ajute sa parcurga mai usor materia.

Ei bine, platforma despre care discutam atunci, cea pe care o multime de profesori erau invitati sa isi incarce materialele de curs si-a ales castigatorii.

Mi s-a parut interesanta inclusiv alegerea lor, pentru ca domeniile si tipurile de materiale didactice submise au variat foarte mult. Locul I si II au fost obtinute de materiale de curs de matematica si geografie iar premiul III a revenit unei aplicatii care imbina limba romana cu elemente de IT, pe care o puteti gasi cu usurinta daca dati cautare “Kidibot”. Au fost 134 de inscrieri, iar din acestea 114 au fost validate de comitetul de jurizare ca fiind valide stiintific, din toate colturile tarii, de la profesori dar si de la specialisti in IT pasionati de ceea ce fac.

Puteti afla mai multe pe unde puteti gasi numele si proiectele tuturor castigatorilor. Felicitari castigatorilor si felicitari pentru aceasta initiativa!

In poze port: tricou Stradivarius, fusta Topshop, pantofi Zara, cercei vintage Nina Ricci. Pozele au fost realizate in Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar.

Basically there is nothing that kicks up the imagination like the passion of the one who teaches you something, both in school and in life. Regardless of speaking about your work or a hobby with passion, as long as you enjoy what you’re doing and it stimulates you, the conversation will always be of interest to those around. Passion is visible on our face, no matter if we are accountants, IT specialists or teachers. And the power to inspire someone lies only in the measure of our enthusiasm.

I have had entire conversations with engineers or lawyers or accountants, people whose are of expertise I share no common ground with and still they have managed to pass over the joy and fulfillment they find in their jobs. Enthusiasm inspires and can motive the curiosity of adults and even the choice of a certain path in life for children.

#Digitaliada has began the journey of challenging teachers, but also anyone else interested in education, to participate in a contest of open source educational materials, in an effort which aims to support digital education. The awards are electronic and IT equipment for the most original digital materials which can be used by teachers for grades V-VIII as supplementary study materials. Basically it’s transforming the inspiration and enthusiasm from a conversation into an act, so that it catches the attention of little ones and therefore making it easier for them to go through the course easier.

Well, the platform which we talked about then and which many professors were invited to use for uploading their course material, has chosen its winners.  

I also found their decision very interesting, because the areas and the types of submitted didactical materials have varied a lot. The 1st and 2nd prize were awarded to math and geography course material and the 3rd prize went to an app which combines the Romanian language with IT elements, which you can easily find if you search for “Kidibot”. There have been 134 submissions out of which 114 have been validated by the jury as being scientifically valid, from all over the country, from teachers but also from IT specialists who are passionate about what they do.

You can find out more on where you can find the names and projects of all the winners.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 26.06.2017Reply

    So chic and beautiful!

    • Dana/ 26.06.2017Reply

      Thank you, Ewa!

  • Mihaela/ 26.06.2017Reply

    Buna Dana! Itilasi parul lung din nou?…

  • Ana/ 27.06.2017Reply

    Long time, love this outfit!!!

  • Amy/ 27.06.2017Reply

    Nu m-as fi gandit niciodata ca un tricou de genul asta poate fi combinat cu o fusta precum cea pe care o porti. Dar sa stii ca vin bine impreuna, imi place outfit-ul tau. 🙂

  • Sorina/ 28.06.2017Reply

    Draguta combinatia coton cu piele ?. In schimb pantofii nu sunt ok cu tinuta per ansamblu. Cred ca pereche de adidasi, chiar si acestia, dau mai intregita tinuta?. Nu te prinde…

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