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Curatenia de primavara

Curatenia de primavara

Declar oficial deschisa Curatenia de Primavara! E momentul acela din an cand te apuci si faci ordine prin casa, prin dulap, prin debara, cand realizezi ca ai multe lucruri in plus, unele dintre ele chiar in stare foarte buna, pe care ai vrea sa le dai cuiva sau, de ce nu, vinde! Si cu ocazia asta hai sa va povestesc experienta familiei noastre cu OLX in ultimii ani, in calitate de vanzatori, dar mai ales de cumparatori.


EN: I officially declare that Spring Cleaning season is open! It’s that moment of the year when you start putting your house, closet, pantry in order, when you realize that you own too much stuff, some of which is in good shape, and which you would like to give away or maybe even sell! And on this note, let me tell you about our family’s experience with OLX in the previous years, as sellers, but mostly as buyers.

Zilele trecute o actrita vine si ma intreaba:

– Stii unde pot gasi o servieta de piele? Imi trebuie pentru un rol. Si sa fie la un pret acceptabil, ca proiectul nu are buget mare.

– OLX. – m-am trezit ca ii raspund, fara nicio ezitare.

– Asa m-am gandit si eu. Gata, ma apuc sa caut.

Adevarul e ca in momentul asta pe OLX gasesti orice! Efectiv orice iti poti imagina. Stiti caruciorul nostru din vacante? Cel pe care inca il mai folosim prin Asia si de care ma intreaba toata lumea? E cumparat de pe OLX. L-a gasit Radu, nou, cu eticheta, si i-a placut ca are rotile mari, de bicicleta, si poti intra cu el inclusiv pe pamant sau nisip. Asa ca amandoi am mers atunci la o mamica acasa, care ne-a povestit cum l-a cumparat ca sa faca jogging cu el si cum nu a apucat nici sa il scoata din cutie. In schimb noi, l-am folosit atat de mult, incat nu mai e saracul intr-o stare suficient de buna pentru a putea fi dat mai departe.

Dar mai tineti minte caruciorul meu vintage, un Peg Perego anii 70? Tot de pe OLX l-am cumparat. Tin minte ca pe asta eu l-am gasit si nu imi venea sa cred ce vad! Era un landou vintage, dar tot cu eticheta, ceea ce e foarte greu de gasit, chiar si pe afara. Am verificat apoi pe net si am gasit un model similar intr-un muzeu, fiind unul dintre primele modele de carucioare Peg. Cand am mers sa il cumparam, vanzatorul ne-a povestit ca l-a gasit intr-un boutique vintage din Germania, unde traise cativa ani. L-a adus in tara, dar nu l-a folosit niciodata. Era impachetat intr-o tipla, asa cum venise de afara.

Am mai cumparat, de-a lungul anilor, covorul oltenesc din holul casei, diverse piese pentru masini, dar si produse scumpe, precum ceasuri vintage de aur – pare greu de crezut, dar de fiecare data cand le-am cumparat (pentru noi sau cadou), am mers la Gant impreuna cu vanzatorul, pentru autentificare. Si de fiecare data au corespuns descrierii.

De cateva luni, Radu isi cumpara si isi vinde haine pe OLX. E un flux continuu in dulapul lui, iar chestia asta imi place la nebunie. Imi aduce aminte de perioada mea de ebay, de acum vreo 10 ani, cand imi cumparam haine vintage sau haine ale unor branduri mari, numai de acolo. Dar acum chiar nu mai merita sa te incurci cu ebay sau alte platforme de afara, cand exista OLX. Am facut de curand o cautare mai atenta strict pe haine si accesorii si iata ce am gasit:

1. Geanta Stefanel 200 lei, 2. Trenci din piele naturala Zara 199 lei, 3. Blugi Levis 169 lei, 4. Trenci Esprit 220 lei, 5. Pantofi Marc Jacobs 700 lei, 6. Troller 499 lei

Uite ca haine nu imi cumparasem, pana acum, dar o voi face, cu siguranta. Pana atunci, mi-am deschis si eu un cont, unde vreau sa va ofer 6 piese selectate in timpul curateniei de primavara. Daca vreti sa particpati la giveaway, intrati pe contul meu si lasati cate un mesaj la fiecare produs dorit. Iar eu voi face pe 16 martie 6 extrageri pentru cele 6 produse.

Va doresc succes la giveaway, daca vreti sa participati, si spor la curatenia de primavara. Si luati in calcul si vanzarea pe OLX a produselor pe care nu le mai folositi ori nu ati apucat sa le folositi – asta mai ales in cazul celor dedicate bebelusilor si copiilor, care cresc vazand cu ochii.

EN: A few days ago, an actress comes over and asks me:

– Do you know where I can find a leather briefcase? I need it for a part. And it should be for an affordable price, because the project doesn’t have a big budget.

– OLX. – I answered without any hesitation.

– That’s what I though. Ok, I’ll start looking.

The truth is that at this time, on OLX, you can find anything! Literally anything you can imagine. Do you know our stroller from vacations? The one we’re still using through Asia and everyone asks me about. It’s bought from OLX. Radu found it, new, with the tag still on it, and he liked that it has big wheels, like a bike, and you can also push it through mud or sand. So we both went to a mother’s house, who told us that she bought it so she could jog with it but that she never got around to taking it out of the box. We, on the other hand, have used it so often, that the poor thing isn’t in good enough shape to be passed on.

But do you remember my vintage stroller, a Peg Perego from the ’70s? It was also from OLX. I remember I had found it and I just couldn’t believe it! It was a vintage sleeping basket, but also with a label on it, which is very hard to find, even abroad. I checked online afterwards and I found a similar model in a museum, since it’s one of the first Peg models. When we went to buy it, the seller told us that he had found it in a vintage boutique from Germany, where he had lived for a few years. He brought it into the country, but he never used it. It was wrapped up, just as it was transported.  

Over the years I have bought the rug in our hallway, from Oltenia, certain car parts, but also expensive products, such as vintage gold watches- it seems hard to believe, but every time we bough them (four ourselves or as gifts), we went to Gant together with the seller, for an authentication. And every time they matched the description.

For a few months now,Radu has been buying and selling clothes from and on OLX. It’s a continuous flow in his closet, and I love that. It reminds me of my ebay period, from about 10 years ago, when I would buy vintage clothes or ones from big brands, only from there. But now it’s just not worth it anymore to use etsy or other platforms from outside the country, when there’s  OLX. Recently I did a thorough search strictly for clothes and accessories and here’s what I dound (see pictures above):

1.  Stefanel bag 200 lei, 2. Zara genuine leather coat 199 lei, 3. Levis jeans 169 lei, 4. Esprit coat 220 lei, 5. Marc Jacobs shoes 700 lei, 6. Troller 499 lei

I never bought clothes before, but I will surely do so in the future. Until then, I also set up an account, where I want to offer to you 6 items which I have selected during spring cleaning. If you want to participate in this giveaway, go to my account and leave a message for each product you want. And on the 16th of March I will randomly pick out a winner for each item.

Good luck with the giveaway, if you want to participate, and with the spring cleaning. And consider selling the products you don’t use anymore or never got around to using- that’s mostly the case for products dedicated to babies or small children, who grow up so fast.  


  • Amy/ 14.03.2018Reply

    Ce tare! N-am mai vazut pana acum un concurs organizat prin intermediul platformei OLX. Cool Girl! 😀

    • Raducan/ 15.03.2018Reply

      Chiar ca! E prima oara cand aud si eu de asa ceva. Sunt curios cum va decurge! SUCCES 🙂

  • Monica/ 16.03.2018Reply

    Imi place tare mult rochita cu roz si negru <3 desi nu cred ca imi e buna… 🙂

  • Mimi/ 18.03.2018Reply

    Ai vreo veste despre extragerea de pe 16.03? Mulțumesc.

    • Dana/ 18.03.2018Reply

      Nu am apucat sa o fac 🙁 Dar cum prind o portita azi, cum ma ocup de ea. Sunt ffff multe mesaje.

    • Dana/ 18.03.2018Reply

      Gata! Am facut extragerea si am raspuns printr-un mesaj castigatorilor – nr 1 la Rochia PNK, nr 62 la Clutch, nr 115 la Geanta Parfois, nr 24 la Rochia animal print, nr 86 la geaca de piele si nr 192 la Jacheta cu print geometric.

      • Mimi/ 19.03.2018Reply


  • Gio/ 29.03.2018Reply

    …și ca orice experiență reușită, ar trebui repetată, din când în când…

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