#2 Idei de cadouri: Pentru iubit
Daca sunteti impreuna de mai mult de 3 ani, probabil ai impresia ca deja i-ai cumparat tot: ziua lui si Craciunul te-au lasat fara idei. E un simptom des intalnit: panica legata de cadouri in relatiile de lunga durata este reala! Asa ca uite, iti dau o mana de ajutor, poate-poate impreuna reusim sa ii luam un cadou care sa il bucure, care sa il relaxeze sau care sa il ajute.
EN: If you have been together for over 3 years, you are probably under the impression that you already bought everything for him: his birthday and Christmas left you without ideas. It’s a common symptom: the gift panic in long relationships is real! So here, I’m giving you a hand, maybe together we can manage to get him a gift which will bring him joy, which relaxes him or which helps him.

1. E un super-tocilar si exact cu asta te-a cucerit? Iubeste toata seria Lord of the Rings si in liceu mergea la toate lansarile Harry Potter la miezul noptii? Atunci sigur o sa devoreze
aceasta carte, de la aceasi autoare a lui HP.

2. Nu poarta genti insa ii ia vreo 15 minute sa iasa din masina pentru ca trebuie sa isi adune toate mismasurile de peste tot? E clar in negare si are nevoie de o
geanta cool, handmade asa ca te indrum catre creatiile lui Bogdan Deliu.

3. Daca este genul caruia ii place sa se aranjeze, probabil o sa ii placa un parfum clasic:
Bleu de Chanel. Cand comanzi de pe Aoro poti comanda si un sample de 5ml- il poate incerca pe acela si, daca nu ii place mirosul in cele din urma, poti returna parfumul mare nedeschis. E un truc bun ca sa eviti sa faci gafe- este tare greu sa cumperi parfumuri pentru altii iar solutia mostrelor este excelenta. Desigur, parfumul se găsește și în parfumeriile clasice (Sephora, Douglas, Mariaunaud).

4. Inchiriaza-i o
masina de lux clasica: o sa se bucure ca timp de cateva zile sa conduca o masina superba si cine stie, poate il inspira sa si-o cumpere intr-o buna zi!
5. Ia-i o cina romantica la un restaurant cu mancare spectaculoasa, precum Le Vivier. Este unul dintre putinele restaurante din Bucuresti unde poti manca scoici proaspete si, daca alaturi si un prosecco bun, poti sa ii faci o surpriza fun si stylish iubitului tau. Daca nu crezi ca scoicile sunt slabiciunea sa, il poti surprinde cu o cina la noul restaurant al lui Joseph Hadad, Caju, pentru un meniu fusion excelent sau, daca simti ca v-ar prinde bine niste mister si socializare, poti participa la una dintre cinele We Dine, un concept de dining care tine secreta locatia si decorul pana in ajunul cinei. Chefii sunt spectaculosi si, daca va uitati la imaginile editiilor anterioare, totul este desavarsit cu bun-gust si eleganta, asa ca mergeti cu incredere. Eu am facut cadou o astfel de cina unui cuplu si a fost surpriza perfecta!

6. O pereche de
tenisi de alergare excelenti pentru orice vreme, dar mai ales pentru iarna- in cazul ca iubitul tau se destreseaza in parc, dupa 10 km de alegare. Nike Lunarepic sunt varful de lance al gamei de alergare, cu un pret pe masura, insa poti gasi o multime de optiuni profesioniste in categoria lor de running.
7. Ii place sa te surprinda cu o multime de cocktailuri gustoase si creative? Este primul care se grabeste sa comande noul tip de bautura dintr-un bar? Atunci probabil ca ii poti lua un
mic kit de pregatit bauturi si o
carte de retete.
8. Innebunit dupa fotbal? Indiferent care este echipa lui favorita, probabil ca
niste carti de istorie a fotablului, care inventariaza tot de la istoria lui Manchaster United, pana la felul in care fotbalul afecteaza globalizare sau o carte care prezinta cazuri celebre de coruptie in fotal o sa-i adanceasca pasiunea pentru acet sport. Fa-i o selectie din cartile acestea si in mod sigur o sa te revansezi pentru toate serile cand ai strambat din nas ca el prefera sa se uite la meci.
9. Un
ulei de masaj si un “voucher” cadou in care ii promiti 4 masaje relaxante oricand si le doreste el! Aproape oricarui barbat ii place un masaj si cum probabil nu are timpul necesar sa ajunga la un salon, ce cadou mai potrivit decat niste timp petrecut cu tine intr-un fel cat mai placut?

10. O zi la
poligonul de tir? Visul oricarui barbat si a catorva femei! O sa fie ajutat de un instructor profesionist, o sa aiba mai multe arme pe care sa le incerce si o sa poata sa traga intr-un mediu controlat, in siguranta. Iar daca este cu adevarat pasionat poate face cursuri profesioniste la acelasi poligon (asta daca ai nevoie si de o idee pentru ziua lui!).
EN: 1. He’s a super geek and that’s exactly how he got to you? He loves the entire Lord of the Rings series and in high school he used to go all the Harry Potter movie premieres at midnight? Then he’ll definitely devour this book, from the same author as HP.
2. He doesn’t wear bags but it takes him about 15 minutes to get out of the car because he can’t find all his stuff? He’s clearly in denial and he needs a cool, handmade bag, so I recommend the creations of Bogdan Deliu.
3. If he is type who likes to dress up, he’ll probably like a classical perfume: Bleu de Chanel. When you buy from Aoro, you can also order a 5 ml sample- he can try it out and, if he doesn’t like the fragrance, you can return the big perfume still sealed. It’s a good trick to avoid messing up- it’s really hard to buy perfumes for others and the sample solution is excellent. Of course, you can also find the perfume in regular perfume shops (Sephora, Douglas, Mariaunaud).
4. Rent him a classical luxury car: he’ll enjoy driving it for a few days and who knows, maybe he’ll be inspired to buy one someday!
5. Get him a romantic dinner at a restaurant with spectacular food, like Le Vivier. It’s one of the few restaurants in Bucharest where you can eat fresh mussels and, if you pair them with a good prosecco, you can make your boyfriend a fun and stylish surprise. If you don’t think mussels are his weakness, you can surprise him with a dinner at Joseph Hadad’s new restaurant, Caju, for an excellent fusion menu or, if you feel like you cold use some mystery and socializing, you can attend one of the We Dine dinners, a dining concept which keeps the location and the decors secret until the eve of the dinner. The chefs are spectacular and, if you look through the pictures from the previous editions, everything is very elegant and with good taste, so dare to try it out. I made such a gift for a couple and it was the perfect surprise!
6. A pair of running shoes perfect on any weather, but especially for winter- in case your boyfriend lets off some steam in the park, after a 10 km run. Nike Lunarepic are top of the running line, with a price to match it, but you can find many professional options in their running category.
7. He likes to surprise you with many tasty and creative cocktails? Is he the first to order the newest drink at the bar? Then you can probably get him a small kit for preparing drinks and a book of recipes.
8. Crazy about football? No matter his favorite team, some books about the history of football, which contains everything from the history of Manchester United, to the way in which football affects globalization or a book which presents famous corruption cases in football, will deepen his passion for this sport. Make a selection from these books and you will definitely make up for all the evenings when you pouted over him watching the game.
9. A massage oil and gift “voucher” for 4 relaxing massages anytime he wants one! Almost every man likes a good massage and since he probably doesn’t have the time to get to a salon, what better gift than some time spent with you in a pleasant manner?
10. One day at the shooting track? The dream of every man and some women! He will be guided by a professional instructor, he’ll have many guns to try out and he will be able to shoot in a controlled environment, safely. And if he is really passionate, he can take professional classes (if you need an idea for his birthday).
Roxy/ 13.12.2016
Interesante cadouri!
Miha/ 15.12.2016
Radu e un rasfatat daca tu ii faci cadouri atat de inspirate. 🙂
Dana/ 15.12.2016
Pentru el acum nu mai am nicio idee, ca doar nu as fi putut sa ii stric surpriza acum.
Fumigene Insecticide/ 18.12.2016
Cred ca as inchira pentru mine o masina de lux :)), iar pe el l-as duse la poligonul de tir.
Cornel/ 08.06.2017
Foarte dragut articolul! Chiar mi-a placut!
Am si eu unul asemanator pe blog-ul meu: https://www.cadoultauperfect.ro/surprinde-l-cu-cadoul-perfect-idei-de-cadouri-pentru-iubit/
O zi frumoasa!
DePlutad/ 01.02.2018
Foarte fain articolul tau, ai niste idei foarte inspirate. Eu as mai pune si ceva inedit, cum ar fi o cravata din pluta 🙂
Cork/ 01.02.2018
Niste idei foarte faine!